Friday, December 14, 2007

Holiday driving - facts, figures and tips

Road crashes occur in high numbers over the Christmas-New Year period for several reasons:
traffic volume is heavier – more vehicles on the road means more risk of crashes
many people are driving on unfamiliar roads
fatigue sets in with people driving long hours – often early morning or late evening
driving can be stressful and frustrating due to heat, traffic jams, noisy children, family tensions and general end-of-year tiredness
people on holiday can let down their guard when it comes to road safety - ie driving too fast, not wearing a safety belt
there is an increased incidence of drink-driving during holiday periods.
But driving during the holidays doesn't have to be stressful or dangerous if you take a little time to make sure that you and your vehicle are safe before hitting the road. Plan ahead, schedule rest stops and allow plenty of time – make the journey part of the holiday.

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